Study on Scholarship

The Centre for the Study of Muslim-Jewish Relations, under the Woolf Institute, invites applications for Visiting Fellows wishing to research some aspect of Muslim-Jewish relations. The Centre provides a range of multi-disciplinary educational programmes on the Muslim-Jewish encounter throughout the ages. Preference may be given to candidates that supplement the research interests of the current staff.

The Fellowships, tenable for a three-month period, can be held in Cambridge University term times in the academic year 2011-2012. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake research in an area of relevance to the work of the Centre and may be asked to make a modest contribution to lecturing and teaching. The Fellowship would be particularly suitable for someone with sabbatical leave from a University or similar position. Applications are not restricted. There is no stipend attached to the Fellowships, but Fellows will be entitled to free accommodation in Cambridge and round-trip travel from their country to Cambridge.

Further information about the Centre and its work can be found at:

A letter of application should be accompanied by a CV, two names of academic referees that may be approached, and a proposal for the research to be undertaken during the Fellowship. These should be addressed to:

Electors of the Visiting Fellowship, CMJR, Woolf Institute, Wesley House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BJ, UK. Applications may also be e-mailed to:

If you have any questions, please contact the CMJR Academic Director, Dr Josef Meri,

Early consideration will be given to those received by 1 December 2010, but applications will continue to be reviewed subsequently.